2024.11.21 (목)


LEGO® Education Launches New Maker Activities for Schools

Educators can try out the new, free LEGO® Education Maker activities, learn tips for starting a makerspace in their schools plus share how they are ‘making’ with LEGO bricks in their classrooms by entering the LEGO Education Global Teacher Award.

(Photo: Business Wire via Korea Newswire )

BILLUND, DENMARK--(Business Wire/Korea Newswire) January 31, 2018 -- LEGO® Education Maker, a continuum of activities for early learning through middle school, is available today to schools around the world. The activities are centered around the iconic LEGO brick and inspired by the open-ended, playful creativity of making. The new, free LEGO Education Maker activities include stimulating challenges for every student at every education level and incorporate LEGO Education solutions including LEGO Education STEAM Park, LEGO Education Simple Machines, LEGO Education WeDo 2.0, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 and LEGO Education Simple and Powered Machines. 

New LEGO Education Maker activities provide unlimited learning for all ages 

The new LEGO Education Maker activities place educators in the role of facilitators, as they guide their students through a series of open-ended, problem-based challenges linked to real-life scenarios. Students team up to define a problem, brainstorm ideas, define design criteria, and apply their findings to develop and build innovative solutions. Several of the LEGO Education Maker activities incorporate easy-to-code motors and sensors to develop essential 21st century skills all while fostering students’ team work, critical thinking, creative problem solving and communication skills. 

Discover the new LEGO Education Maker activities plus ideas for how to start a makerspace today at www.LEGOeducation.com/maker. 

Annual LEGO Education Teacher Award to celebrate innovative teaching and making worldwide 

Today, educators from around the world are invited to enter the LEGO Education Teacher Award, a global program that aims to celebrate innovative teaching in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This year’s annual LEGO Education Teacher Award encourages primary and secondary educators to share how they are “making” with LEGO bricks in their classrooms. 

Following from the success of last year’s LEGO Education Teacher Award, in which winners from around the world attended the LEGO Education 2017 Symposium in Billund, Denmark to display and share innovative practices with like-minded educators, the celebration returns to find this year’s cohort of talented and dedicated educators. 

This year’s winners will receive the opportunity to present their work at the LEGO Education 2018 Symposium in Boston, USA from June 5-7, 2018 in collaboration with Tufts University. 

Educators from around the world can enter the LEGO Education Teacher Award here. 

News provided by LEGO Education

Website: https://education.lego.com/en-us


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